
  • Now – April 28, 2024

    I moved to Boca Raton, Florida, right by the beach. Still looking for a good community to settle down in but I’m loving the warm weather and of course frequent beach visits.

    I just finished building StoryCapsule, a video time capsule app that captures loved ones’ stories. I wrote a lot more about the inspiration for it in the About page. The bottom line is, if you ever wished you knew a loved one better, and don’t want to wish that about the ones you have left, StoryCapsule can help.

    I’m also searching for engineering manager positions that will allow me to have a positive impact on people’s lives, whether it’s improving their work life, leisure time, or finances.

  • Now – May 7, 2022

    I’m working on launching the first of 12 launches in 12 months. To be announced soon.

    I’m living in New York.

    I’m traveling to Atlanta at the end of the month.

    I’m reading MAKE and Anything You Want.